Today's the day
I hope you know there is nothing that can make me stop loving you.
I hope you know you will always need me even when you think you don't.
I hope you know you make me so proud.
I hope you know how much I love those big brown eyes.
I hope you know that everything I do is out of love.
I hope you know that one day all the things you make fun of me for you will want your wife to do for your children.
I hope you know I will always be your biggest fan.
I hope you know I truly love your father.
I hope you cherish all our family memories and they make you smile.
I hope you know I will always be your home no matter where your life takes you.
I hope you know I couldn't live without you.
I hope you know you are handsome.
I hope you know how smart you are.
I hope you know that I will always believe in you even if no one else does.
I hope you know you can always trust me.
I hope you know I cry sometimes just because I love you so much.
I hope you know there's more to being a man than being tough and it's OK to cry.
I hope you know my hugs and kisses will never run out and my arms will always be open.
I hope you know I will help you understand girls.
I hope you know I always talk about you.
I hope you know always to smile.
I hope you know I'll never hold you back even if my heart is breaking because of it.
I hope you know I will always know where all the things are in the house.
I hope you know I will always remind you to be kind, honest, thankful and lovable.
I hope you know I will always tell you that family is more important than anything.
I hope you know I will always expect you to be yourself.
I hope you know I will never stop telling you I love you.
I hope you know I love your brother just as much as I love you.
I hope you know anything is possible, anything.
I hope you know I worry about you.
I hope you know enough to always forgive.
I hope you pay attention to the small things and don't take life for granted.
I hope you always choose the safe choice.
I hope you have an easy, non-stressful, full-filling, successful life that's meaningful and true.
I hope you always give more than you take.
I hope you appreciate and not expect.
I hope you never lose that hunger for achievement and doing your best.
I hope you know when you hurt I hurt.
I hope you know I never want you to leave me but I will be Okay when you do.
I hope you know I will always be here for you, I will never leave you, I will always be that go to person and I hope you always let me.
I hope you know one day as I age I might not be able to remember all the reasons why I love you but I still will love you and I hope you never forget the reasons why.
Happy Birthday my boy, my sunshine, my goodness, my untouched soul, my love, my oldest son.