Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bouquet of Three Award

Aside from today being another ordinary, rushing, tiring, day In The House of JMarts, this morning I was given a bouquet. This would brighten any woman’s day; of course, well this wasn’t just any bouquet. It was a Bouquet of Three Award.  I sadly didn’t even know what this was until, I researched a little. I am only 5 months old in this huge blogging world. But I soon realized that this was my VERY 1st blog nomination!!! 

Bouquet Three Award

I started this blog to improve and heal myself from the inside out. I had no idea how much I would love it, how much writing helps your soul and how much I love saying what everyone thinks but is too afraid to say. It’s not a perfect world and being a mother is wonderful but also hard, why pretend it’s not and sugarcoat all this shit. Put it out there so all Mother’s realize they are NOT ALONE! 

This means a lot to me because I have put myself out there 100%. I know this is only one little award, however  it tells me that I am out there and that I reached someone by sharing my trials and triumphs of things that really matter to me. I have come a long way in a few months and have realized many things. But most importantly I have realized that unless you face your inner demons and shine light into the darkness and on your sadness you will never be better on the inside or the outside. This blog has been fun, healing, entertaining and meaningful to me. There are so many I have “met” and interacted with that make me realize we are all in this together! 

So Thank you thevanillahousewife.wordpress.com for the nomination. 

I will be getting nominations together for the Bouquet of Three Award, now that I know there is so much more to blogging, supporting and sharing.

When nominated you are suppose to share 7 interesting things about yourself for your readers…..Only 7? haha but Ok…

1.       I have two identical moles on each cheek that most people don’t even notice, have you?
2.       I have 4 tattoos
3.       I have no clue about Math, literally
4.       I could of moved to California when I was 21, but decided against it
5.       I was voted “Class Clown” in high school (shocker)
6.       I don’t hate my job, I think I just hate working, I’m over it
7.       As a wife/mother I do not iron or clean bathtubs

Thanks Again!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you accepted! Congratulations :)
    p.s. high five on number 7!
